Saturday 30 June 2012


Belonging to the WARM colouring group, you can get away with combining your neutral colours together (for example - navy and beige), wearing gold or warm coloured accessories to brighten up your look, and look really good. But adding other colours can create more interest.

Adding salmon pink to this beige and navy outfit works perfectly.

These are some colour combinations that will work perfectly for you:

Cream and purple (or coral pink)

Dark beige and turquoise (or teal)

Charcoal and apricot

Olive green and lime

Light navy and tomato (or orange red)

* * * * *

When choosing blue, stick to periwinkle shades and navy – these are best for your colouring.

For purples, the only shade that really pops is the normal primary purple.

Julianne Moore looking gorgeous in Purple

Reds are good on you, but stick to orange to red shades, like tomato. Next option would be a bright watermelon shade.

For pinks, choose peach, apricot and salmon pinks. Coral pink should be the pinkest that you go.

Yellow and orange shades are great on you, from pale yellow to gold shades to mustard, and all oranges from ambers to tangerine to terracotta. When adding green, lime is your best option.            

For sea green/blue colours, stick to emerald, turquoise and aqua. These will be especially complimentary if your eyes are blue or green.

Marcia Cross is stunning in this turquoise gown

For makeup, keep to the natural variants of peach, khaki and brown on your eyes. A nutty shade for blush is best, and lips should be spicy shades, warm sand and terracotta (think shades of reddish- brick brown).  Your face will look its best when you keep everything warm and golden.

Next up is the CLEAR colouring group – should be out in the next few days.

Don't miss the 25% OFF SALE at
From 1-10 July 2012

Tuesday 26 June 2012


We already know which basic neutrals to use for the SOFT colouring group, and they can also easily be worn together on their own, like with the light colouring group.

When adding colour to your neutrals to create other outfits, avoid high contrast and rather stick to colours of the same depth. Keep your accessories like shoes, handbags and belts in colours that blend, rather than add contrast Choose jewellery and eyewear in matt metals, rather than shiny ones. Same goes for scarves, keep these in fabrics with a matt finish.

These are some colour combinations that should work perfectly together for you:

Soft white and soft green

Rose-brown and coral pink

Pewter and amethyst (soft purple)

Charcoal and burgundy

Light navy and periwinkle (soft blue/indigo)

Forest green and jade

You can wear most shades of blue, especially the light to medium shades like sky blue and periwinkle.

For purples, the best shades are amethyst, soft violet and lavender. You can also wear the normal primary purple and dark plums. Purple is a good colour for you, try teaming it with dark jeans.

Bright primary reds should be avoided, rather stick to dark coral shades and burgundy.

Pink is also a good choice, best are salmon and coral pink, as well as rose.

Yellow and orange shades will generally be unflattering. Soft greens are better for you, just stick to the lighter shades (not the icy tones) and avoid bright apple green.

For sea green/blue colours, the best for your colouring is mint, jade, turquoise and dark teal.

Your makeup should be kept natural and gentle. Keep eye shadow in brown shades like cocoa, coffee and matt gold. Keep your eye liner brown and lips in soft peach to rose shades. Blush in rose shades is best for you. Don’t go too dark, this will overpower you.

Remember, your colouring group is called SOFT – so think soft and gentle, and you’ll be fine!

Next up is the WARM colouring group - so all the ladies with red hair, stay tuned for the next blog in a few days time.

Until then - please contact me on if you need any extra help or would like to book any of the style and shopping services.

Have a great week!

Sunday 24 June 2012


The basic neutrals for the LIGHT colouring group have already been established, and they can easily be worn together (without adding any additional colours) and still look amazing on you. Think champagne tones worn together, with soft brown and soft white – add some gold jewellery and you are good to go.  Or you could add your colour in your scarves and necklaces, or handbags and shoes.

These are some colour combinations that should work beautifully together:

Soft white and light periwinkle (blue shade)

Beige and watermelon

Soft brown and teal / sea green

Medium grey and blush pink

Light navy and very light icy/pastel green

When it comes to adding blues, stick to these shades – light icy blue (almost white), powder blue (the normal pastel shade), sky blue, light periwinkle and cornflower blue. Don’t tell you blues get too dark or to bright.

For purples, stick to soft violet and lavender.

If you like red, rather choose watermelon or geranium (a slightly redder version of watermelon).

For pinks, stick to a light apricot /peach toned colour or blush pink, which is bright but still has a slight peachy tone to it.

Give orange a miss, but you can wear other citrus tones such as paler shades of yellow and gold, as well as icy/pastel green and apple green.

When choosing sea green colours, stick to mint, jade and peacock for the greener shades and teal, aqua and dark turquoise (also known as petrol) for the bluer shades.

Your makeup should be kept quite natural looking and soft. Choose shades like champagne and soft browns for eye shadow, with eye liner and mascara in brown/coffee shades (not black – this is too harsh). Keep cheeks natural with soft pinks and lips in shades from dune to dusty rose and soft peach shades.

Never use dark makeup, it will totally overpower you. If you do choose a bold red lipstick for a dramatic evening look – keep the rest of your face very natural.

If your favourite colour isn't mentioned, you can still wear it - but in accessories or away from your face. Remember, wearing the wrong colours for you might not make you look terrible, but it also won't make you look your best!

Email for extra advice - or follow the blog by clicking in the block on the top right hand side.

Next time - SOFT colouring will be discussed.

Friday 22 June 2012


Now that you know which colouring group you belong to, your next step is to find out which neutral colours suit you the best.
I would suggest that you choose 2 of your favourites out of the neutral colours mentioned below, and then base your wardrobe’s classic items on these colours.

Your best neutrals are on the lighter side, but if you do choose to wear black – keep it away from your face and team it with lighter shades.
Your best neutral colours are soft white (not too bright), beige (stone shades), sage (a softer lighter shade of olive green), light brown (almost the colour of tea), medium grey (like dove grey), and light navy.

You can use small amounts of contrast, but stay away from wearing colours together that are too light and too dark, so no black and white together – it will overpower you.
Your best neutrals are soft white (not too bright), rose-brown (almost a brick brown shade), pewter (matt dark silver tone), charcoal (dark grey), spruce (a softer tone of forest green) and light navy.

Warm colours work best around your face, and black should not feature at all.
Your best neutrals are cream, oatmeal (dark beige, almost a caramel shade), charcoal (dark grey), chocolate (dark brown), olive (dark military green) and light navy.

Contrasting colours are best for you, so wear your neutrals with brightly coloured accessories.
Your best neutrals are pure white (crisp white), pewter (matt dark silver tone), charcoal (dark grey), dark navy, dark brown (brown-black, almost black) and black.

Keep darker colours around your face, avoid white and lighter colours.
Your best neutrals are ivory, pewter (matt dark silver tone), pine (forest dark green), dark navy, dark brown (brown-black, almost black) and black.

Cool shades with blue undertones work best with your neutrals. If you do need to wear black, add shades of pink to your outfit.
Your best neutrals are beige (rose shades of beige are best), taupe (almost oatmeal), charcoal (dark grey), Chinese blue (slightly lighter and brighter than primary blue), dark navy and dark teal (dark greyish-jade).


If you think that you might suit another colouring group’s neutrals better, you might be a combination of 2 different colouring groups, possibly due to you colouring your hair or tanning. Let me know if you need further assistance in that case, you can email me on - a personalised consultation may be what you need. Then you can make the right colour choices for your wardrobe going forward.

Also follow on twitter, for extra style tips and updates

Next time I will write about one colouring group at a time, and discuss how to team these neutrals with suggested combinations and brighter colours. First up is the LIGHT colouring group, so if you are blonde and light skinned – follow the blog to make sure you don’t miss out.

Till next time….

Monday 18 June 2012


Let’s start with determining which of the 6 colouring groups you belong to.
You should use your current hair and eye colour to place yourself. If you dye your hair in the future, please keep in mind that your colouring group might also change.

Hair – Blonde 
Eyes – Light Blue, Green or Pale Brown 
Skin – Pale

Hair – Medium or Mousy Brown
Eyes – Soft blended Blue or Green-Hazel 
Skin - Medium

Hair – Red or Auburn 
Eyes – Green, Blue or Brown
Skin – Pale, possibly with Freckles

Hair – Dark Brown or Black
Eyes – Green, Blue or Topaz 
Skin – All shades Pale to Dark

Hair – Dark Brown or Black 
Eyes – Dark Brown 
Skin – All shades Pale to Dark

Hair – Ash or Grey
Eyes – All
Skin – Pale, Medium or Rosy

If you feel that you don’t clearly fit into any of these colouring groups, please send your photo (or a good description) to and I can assist you in determining your unique colouring so you will be able to determine your best suited colours for your wardrobe.

** As a quick reference, these are your main colour styles to remember at all times **
Although you can enjoy wearing dark coloured clothing, always wear lighter colours around your face.
Your best choices are outfits in tones of all- blue or all-brown. You can also mix these colours to make an outfit.
Your best colours are those with yellow or warm undertones (shades of orange and red). You can wear darker neutrals (blues and greens work well) but always add warmer colours to your outfits.
Contrasting colours work best on you, light and dark (black & white is a great option). If you wear just one colour – like a dress, make it in a bright colour. No pastels.
You look best in black, but don’t stop there. You can add other colours.
Grey, navy or green is best – team them with bright colours. No brown ever.

Next time I will write about which neutral colours to use as the base of your wardrobe. Your neutrals should be bought in the best quality you can afford, as they are your classic pieces – so it is very important to get these in your best suited colours.

Follow the blog so that you don't miss out on any future articles.

Sunday 17 June 2012



Over the next couple of weeks, I will be doing a new series explaining which colours should be worn with your colouring. You’ll find out which colouring group you fall into and the colours that you should be wearing – clothing, accessories and makeup will be discussed.

This information will further assist you when doing a wardrobe clean out and when you are shopping for new clothing, accessories and makeup. I will also assist with how to wear the colours together to create different looks and illusions to your shape.

There is a lot to consider when choosing what to wear that best suits both your figure and your colouring – this can get confusing, but I only focus on one body-type and/or one colouring-type at a time, so hopefully this helps to simplify the information.

Follow this blog to avoid missing out on any future articles that will help you finding your best outfits.

If you would like to book a Personalised Style/Wardrobe Consultation or maybe a Personalised Shopping Experience, please contact or call 082 666 8211. You can also visit for more information on the shopping & style services that are offered.

Saturday 16 June 2012


If this is your body shape, your hipline is lower than half of your full height and your waist will most probably be lower than your bent elbow. Your torso looks quite long in comparison to the rest of your body. You may be prone to putting on weight in your thighs and hips first, and your bottom will typically be low and heavy. Most people who fall into this body type are shorter than the average, although tall people can be short legged as well.


Your style of dress should create balance by helping your legs to look longer and your torso to look shorter. Follow these easy steps:

What styles you should be wearing:

·       Jewellery and scarves to bring the observer’s eye upwards to your shoulders and your face – keep them around neck and shoulder length though.

There are various scarves available for sale

Keep necklaces up close to your neckline.
This one is available for sale on

·       Shorter to medium length shirts and tops – tuck them in if they are longer.

·       Layered tops – this creates lots of interest on top, especially if in different complimenting colours.

·       Wear lighter to medium colours on top and darker colours on the bottom in pants and skirts.

·       Belts should be medium to wide.

·       Skirts should be straight.

·       Pants and jeans should be straight cut or bootleg.

·       Your pants/skirt, socks/tights and shoes should all be the same colour – don’t colour-block on your lower half as this will make your legs look even shorter.

·       Choose shoes with medium to high heels, and avoid straps that go over your ankle – these cut off your leg at the ankle, and will make your leg look even shorter.

·       Your pants should almost end on the ground to give you the longest leg length possible – take your high heel shoes with you when shopping for pants so you can check if the pants/jeans are long enough (it is easier to make pants shorter than to make them longer).

·     Dresses with an empire waist elongate your leg length.

 What styles you should be avoiding:

·       Longer length tops, especially if they come in around your hipline, or have detailing around your hipline – you shouldn’t be emphasising this area at all as it is too low.

·       Pants or skirts with a dropper waistband, such as hipster or low-rise jeans.

·       Tight or tapered pants and skirts.

·       Cropped pants – these makes your legs look shorter. Rather stick to shorts that are above your knee.

·       Also stay away from longer length jackets and blazers, long necklaces and don’t leave your scarves hanging loose, rather wrap them around your neck area so that they don’t add to your long torso.

If you would like to book a Personalised Style/Wardrobe Consultation or maybe a Personalised Shopping Experience, please contact or call 082 666 8211. You can also visit for more information on the shopping & style services that are offered.