Friday 22 June 2012


Now that you know which colouring group you belong to, your next step is to find out which neutral colours suit you the best.
I would suggest that you choose 2 of your favourites out of the neutral colours mentioned below, and then base your wardrobe’s classic items on these colours.

Your best neutrals are on the lighter side, but if you do choose to wear black – keep it away from your face and team it with lighter shades.
Your best neutral colours are soft white (not too bright), beige (stone shades), sage (a softer lighter shade of olive green), light brown (almost the colour of tea), medium grey (like dove grey), and light navy.

You can use small amounts of contrast, but stay away from wearing colours together that are too light and too dark, so no black and white together – it will overpower you.
Your best neutrals are soft white (not too bright), rose-brown (almost a brick brown shade), pewter (matt dark silver tone), charcoal (dark grey), spruce (a softer tone of forest green) and light navy.

Warm colours work best around your face, and black should not feature at all.
Your best neutrals are cream, oatmeal (dark beige, almost a caramel shade), charcoal (dark grey), chocolate (dark brown), olive (dark military green) and light navy.

Contrasting colours are best for you, so wear your neutrals with brightly coloured accessories.
Your best neutrals are pure white (crisp white), pewter (matt dark silver tone), charcoal (dark grey), dark navy, dark brown (brown-black, almost black) and black.

Keep darker colours around your face, avoid white and lighter colours.
Your best neutrals are ivory, pewter (matt dark silver tone), pine (forest dark green), dark navy, dark brown (brown-black, almost black) and black.

Cool shades with blue undertones work best with your neutrals. If you do need to wear black, add shades of pink to your outfit.
Your best neutrals are beige (rose shades of beige are best), taupe (almost oatmeal), charcoal (dark grey), Chinese blue (slightly lighter and brighter than primary blue), dark navy and dark teal (dark greyish-jade).


If you think that you might suit another colouring group’s neutrals better, you might be a combination of 2 different colouring groups, possibly due to you colouring your hair or tanning. Let me know if you need further assistance in that case, you can email me on - a personalised consultation may be what you need. Then you can make the right colour choices for your wardrobe going forward.

Also follow on twitter, for extra style tips and updates

Next time I will write about one colouring group at a time, and discuss how to team these neutrals with suggested combinations and brighter colours. First up is the LIGHT colouring group, so if you are blonde and light skinned – follow the blog to make sure you don’t miss out.

Till next time….

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